(The God of Thunder)

About Thor

Thor Odinson is the Asgardian God of Thunder, the former king of Asgard and New Asgard, and a founding member of the Avengers. When his irresponsible and impetuous behavior reignited a conflict between Asgard and Jotunheim, Thor was denied the right to become king, stripped of his power, and banished to Earth by Odin.

Thor's Mjolnir

Thor's Powers and Abilities

  1. Superhuman strength, speed, endurance & resistance to injury
  2. Member of the otherworldly & virtually immortal Asgardian race
  3. Wields the enchanted Uru-forged hammer Mjolnir, which grants mastery over the elements of thunder & lightning, as well as the ability to fly & open interdimensional gateways.

Thor's companions

Thor has many companions (or you can call them as friends) in the MCU or Marvel's Cinematic Universe. They have a group called The Avengers and their duty is to protect the universe from dangerous villains all over the universe. Click on each link to know more about them